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DIDA - Takeaway Captions

DIDA is an activity that focuses on the theme of captions, that is, all the texts we find in the rooms of a museum.

Captions represent the first means through which mediation takes place between work and public, however these do not always respect the most recent studies on captions that increasingly speak of interpretative captions.

Together with the participants we will try to rewrite the captions, placing the interpretation in the first post and using a methodology based on games between people, in order to build a unique and adaptable text.


  • Understanding the fundamentals of museology.

  • Development of creative thinking.

  • Practice changing point of view.

  • Enhancement of group work and mediation.


Ages 12 and up.


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RITROVO - cultural association C.F. 96043210630

Via Montenuovo Licola Patria, 84, 80078, Pozzuoli (NA) +39 378 066 9739

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