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Tend a story

How is a story born? How does it reach us? Where will it arrive?

In this activity we address the relationship with heritage by imagining a collective history, which comes to life in the traces that these elements have left us.

By tracing the stories on a long strip of folded paper (leporello format) it will be possible to connect them with a rope, inspired somewhat by the one used for laundry, and lay out the elements that will serve to make the story a narrative of belonging and relationship.

The story thus also becomes a story and a game, above all a group work without which it will be impossible to create the great final story.


  • Activate relationships with context

  • Create a collective narrative work

  • Enhance the heritage of the context


Suitable for groups of all ages or families

(the activity is structured differently based on the age of the participants)


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RITROVO - cultural association C.F. 96043210630

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